Thursday, September 19, 2013

A Year Ago...

A year ago today, my sister and I were on our way home from school after tanking up the car. We didn't see the car in front of us turning left, and we didn't stop in time. The vehicle we hit was big enough that it just went right over our bumper and up our hood. Dad was furious, and understandably so. We had just wrecked the only car my sister and I could drive the twenty miles to and from school, and finding a good car nearby for a relatively decent price isn't exactly easy.

In three days, we had found a car online. It was a reasonable price, in good condition without too many miles on it, and it was in the same state.

So we got it.

Six months and five days later...crash! The car was totaled when someone didn't look and turned in front of us. Dad was furious. Again. When we called him and told him we had just been a wreck, you could practically hear the steam coming out of his ears. He got there, and when he realized it wasn't our fault this time, he calmed down. A little. You know how parents are.

We got the first car fixed and back on the road, and I've been driving it all summer long. There have been some very close times that have left me crying, shaking, and barely able to make it to my destination, but so far, the car is still in one piece.

Today, I was driving the same car pictured above, with a new black hood, bumper, fender and mirror, like I always do, and heading home from school. I swung by work and picked up my paycheck, then headed home. On the way out of town, today of all days, one of the two cars in front of me was turning left onto the same road that the vehicle had been a year ago. I almost laughed at the irony of being in the same vehicle, different seat, nearly the same situation, as I was a year ago in the split second before the vehicles collided.

God is amazing. He has watched out for me so many times, and kept me safe through two wrecks, the last one of which should have seriously injured, if not killed me. Sometimes I wonder why He kept me safe and alive and unharmed. What His plan is for my life that He's kept me safe through all of it. Today is one of those times.